Windows Security is driving me crazy!!! "You need permission to perform this action" when deleting files
Hi all, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo sick to f**king death of Windows security prompts!!! Ever since I first got XP about a decade ago (now on 7), this lovely little error dialog (or something similar) has not always, but at least once a month, shown up when I've tried to move or delete a file or folder: File/Folder Access Denied You need permission to perform this action You require permission from the computer's administrator to make changes to this file/folder (name of file or folder and date created) Try Again and Cancel buttons Clicking Try Again brings the same dialog up again, and clicking Cancel has obvious results. I'm on the only user account on the PC, which is an Administrator account. Trying to take ownership of the file/folder tells me that "Access is denied". Haven't tried using the hidden admin account as I don't see why the f**k I should have to!!!! Look Microsoft, I don't give a flying f**k if my files are vulnerable to hackers or not; I just want to be able to access them MYSELF!!!!!!! My network is on a router with a 128-bit encryption key and a hardware firewall, as well as a software firewall on each PC! If anyone can get through all that, I'll tip my hat to them and let them do whatever they want to my files! But for crying out loud, I JUST WANT COMPLETELY UNINHIBITED ACCESS TO MY OWN F**KING FILES!!!!!!!!!! This has been a problem for as long as I can remember and I've really had enough of it...if more programs were runnable on Linux I would've switched a looooooooooooooooong time ago!!! P.S. I apologise to anyone who DOESN'T work for Microsoft and was offended by this post...I've just really had enough of this crap! P.P.S. Just tried the hidden admin account after all, but guess what?! THAT DOESN'T WORK EITHER!!! Gee, what a surprise, that something made by Microsoft could be so utterly ludicrous and useless...NOT!!!!!!!
March 15th, 2011 9:08pm

I'm on the only user account on the PC, which is an Administrator account. No, with USER Account Control (UAC) you have user rights. I explained this here in a guide for users like you: UAC is fine and solve 90% of the security issues. André"A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code" Want to install RSAT on Windows 7 Sp1? Check my HowTo:
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March 16th, 2011 6:14pm

OK for starters I have UAC set to never notify because I hate having to ask twice for something to be done. But I read your article and you made some "interesting" statements... So, why do most people hate the UAC? That's because mostly 99% do not know that they are limited users. They check their useraccount inside the "groups and user" setting and still see that they are part of the administrator group. But as I already told you, that's not true. Yes I will admit that I am one of the "naive" ones that sees this and thinks that it means exactly what it says...that I am an Administrator and can do anything I want to my PC. If that's not the case, then WHY F**KING SAY IT?!?!?!?! That is just blatant lying to make the user FEEL like they're in control when they're really not...not without the annoying prompts anyway. My only fault there is that I trusted and believed Microsoft's word for for that I realise that I am extremely stupid and I apologise. So, the UAC NEVER annoys you, it HELPS you to do operations with administrator rights very easily without having to switch between 2 accounts. Try the same things with a limited user account under XP and you'll see that this is annoying. All the message boxes popping up with the message "Access denied". How the f**k is UAC any different?! It pops up annoying message boxes asking for permission! Whether the message is "Access Denied" or "Give Permission", you still get an annoying pop-up that you have to dismiss before you can continue...and yes at least UAC allows you to do the operation (when it feels like it)...but honestly I don't understand why I can't just have COMPLETELY UNINHIBITED ADMINISTRATOR ACCESS TO MY FILES 100% OF THE TIME!!!!!!! That brings me on to the next "interesting" thing that you said... 2002-2004 several virus and worm attacks happened and so many PCs with XP were infected because most people were using an account of the administrator group. Now MS realizes that running with a limited account is better. OK I don't know about you or anyone else outside my extended family and friends, but we all have NEVER had a single virus...there's even been times when I've had no AV software installed AT ALL and still remained safe for months...and this was during the "hot" (according to you) 2002-2004 period of XP attacks! Bottom line: if you aren't a f**king moron, don't click on things you shouldn't and have good hardware security in place like I do, you don't need to worry about all this crap! You can have full admin rights activated all the time and never have any problems! But because most people are idiots (or so it would seem), the rest of us have to suffer with this ludicrously over-tight security that Microsoft has put in place! And the even bigger bottom line: IT IS MY F**KING COMPUTER; IF I WANT TO TAKE THE RISKS THAT IS MY CHOICE AND I SHOULD HAVE THAT CHOICE!!!!!!! Fair enough, make the current scenario the default, but incorporate some way of changing it and giving yourself TRUE Administrator access, if you understand the risks and aren't bothered by them. That is all I ask!
March 26th, 2011 6:23am

Calm down and read my guide again, you understood NOTHING! I also showed here: how to run the Explorer with admin rights. Now you don't need to accept the UAC prompt all the time, only once ;) "A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code" Want to install RSAT on Windows 7 Sp1? Check my HowTo:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 26th, 2011 4:51pm

Calm down and read my guide again, you understood NOTHING! What do you think I didn't understand? :S My whole point in my previous post was that UAC prompts are annoying, which you didn't prove otherwise in your guide. But now the link you've just given me seems like it might actually be helpful, so thank you for that and for being the only person nice enough to reply to my rants, especially when I didn't deserve it! (Even though my abusive comments weren't aimed at you)
March 30th, 2011 1:37am

Sure, I proved it. You simply never used an user account under XP and saw the access denied messages which forced you to switch the user accounts all the time. That's why the UAC is much better ;) For me it looks like you don't want to understand it."A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code" I'm going to leave the forum on 31th March 2011 if I don't get a Feedback about the SPAM of 2 MVPs. So if you want an answer, be fast so that I can help you before I leave the Technet forum.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 30th, 2011 12:17pm

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